How To Create a LearnDash Challenge Exam (And Its Benefits)

Do you want to learn how to create LearnDash Challenge Exam quizzes? A challenge exam helps your students skip a course and move on to the next course. It’s very useful for those students who have advanced knowledge of a course but have to go through it in order to take the next course. It’s true that not all types of courses need a challenge exam, but using this feature, you can create dynamic learning paths.

In this post, we are going to learn what a LearnDash Challenge Exam is and how to create one. We’ll also discuss its benefits. Let’s get started.

Note: If you don’t see a Challenge Exam option, then you might need to update your LearnDash plugin. The Challenge Exam feature was added in the LearnDash 4.0 update.

What is LearnDash Challenge Exam?

LearnDash is one of the most popular LMS plugins for WordPress. Challenge exam is one of the innovative features of this plugin. You might already have an idea of what a LearnDash Challenge exam is. A LearnDash Challenge Exam is a question or a set of questions that allows the student to move on to the next course if they can answer correctly. It’s helpful for those students who already know everything that’s taught in a course and want to move on to the next course.

A challenge exam might not be useful in many courses, but if used properly, you can create a dynamic learning path for students. LearnDash Challenge Exam gives your students the opportunity to fast-track their courses and skip to the next course. Some of the benefits of adding challenge exams are:

  • They allow learners to test their existing skills and knowledge and skip ahead to more advanced courses if they pass.
  • They motivate and engage learners who want to move quickly and feel a sense of accomplishment.
  • They help learners achieve their learning goals and earn required certifications faster.
  • They enable course creators identify the basics that a learner should know and make the course goals clear.
  • They offer the complete functionality to test the learner’s skills, find out what they know, and give them a personalized learning experience.

How to create a Challenge Exam in LearnDash

First, ensure that you have two or more courses on your LearnDash site. Because, you need at least two courses for the LearnDash challenge exam to work.

Another thing to note is that the challenge exam feature runs on a different quiz engine that’s available on your Gutenberg Builder. This block isn’t normally available on any other page but the challenge exam page. So once you open up the challenge exam builder, you should be able to use this block.

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To create a LearnDash challenge exam, navigate to LearnDash > Challenge Exam from your WordPress dashboard. Now if this is your first time opening on the challenge exam screen, you should see a “Add your first Challenge Exam” button on the center. You can click on that button or click on the “Add New” button on top right corner of the screen.

adding challenge exam in learndash

This will open up the LearnDash challenge exam maker screen. Now you need to do a few things to create the challenge exam.

Adding the Challenge Exam title

Let’s start by giving a name or title to your challenge exam. This is the first thing that you’ll see when the challenge exam builder opens up.

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Adding questions

Now we need to add questions that students will answer in the challenge exam. These questions are different than the usual LearnDash quizzes you see in the quiz builder.

You should already see a question block right below the challenge quiz title. First, select the question block, and on the right sidebar, you can see the option to select question type. You can choose either a single choice or multiple choice quiz type.

learndash challenge exam block

The single-choice question type has only one answer, while the multiple-choice question type can have multiple answers. After selecting the question type, add your question, and then add options. Choose the correct option from the right side. You can have multiple correct options depending on the question type.

You can add more questions by clicking on the ‘+’ button at the bottom. This will insert another LearnDash challenge exam block.

Adding description

You can add a question description, but it’s optional. You can also add what message will be displayed if the user chooses the correct answer and what message will be shown if the user chooses the wrong answer.

learndash challenge exam description

Although this part is optional, some questions might require explanation. So if that’s the case with your question, you can add a description.

LearnDash Challenge Exam settings

After you’re done with the questions, click on the settings tab on top to go to the LearnDash challenge exam settings. Now you can choose if this will be available to new enrollees only. Then, in the ‘Challenge Exam Course Show’, select the course for this challenge exam. Then, in the ‘Challenge Exam Passed Course’, select the course the students will have access to if they successfully pass the challenge exam.

learndash challenge exam settings

Next, you can also choose the challenge exam passed button label. This means you can choose what text will be shown on the button when students pass the exam. Next, you can provide the URL of the course where the students will be directed after they pass the exam. To do this, simply visit the course page, copy the URL, and then paste it over here.

You can also choose the challenge exam passed message. This message will be displayed after the students pass the exam.

You have to customize the same settings for if the students are unsuccessful in passing the challenge exam. Scroll down, and you’ll see another section. Here, you can choose the button label if students fail the exam. In the next field, you can add the link to the course which the students must take in order to proceed.

learndash challenge exam fail settings

Finally, add a message that will be displayed if the students cannot pass the challenge exam.

After you’re done with the settings, simply click on the “Publish” button to save your changes. Now you can visit the course URL and try out the challenge exam yourself and see if it’s working properly.

By clicking on the “Start Challenge Exam” button you can start the exam. Then you’ll face the question(s) you’ve added.

learndash challenge exam

After successfully answering the questions, you can then move on to the next course.

passing challenge exam in learndash

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Basically, that is how you can create a LearnDash challenge exam for your course.

The LearnDash challenge exam is a good way to add dynamic learning paths for your courses. But it still lacks some features, such as a passing score. You can’t also add challenge exams for topics and lessons. It’s only available for courses. Again, the challenge exam will be displayed at the beginning of the course.

So there are certain limitations to what you can do with LearnDash challenge exams. It’s not meant for many course types. But it’s still an innovative way to add a dynamic learning path.

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A team of WordPress enthusiasts led by Arafat Bin Sultan, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in tech blogging, content marketing, and video creation.

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