How to Make a Quiz in LearnDash

Do you want to create quizzes in LearnDash? It has an advanced quiz builder that you can use to create and add questions to your courses. Using these quizzes you can grade and evaluate the learners.

LearnDash’s intuitive quiz builder allows you to add, edit, move, and delete questions in your quiz. You can add questions to your lessons and topics. There are various ways to customize quizzes. In this post, we’re going to learn how to create a quiz in LearnDash and find out various editing methods. Let’s get started!

How to make a quiz in LearnDash

LearnDash gives you a quick and intuitive way to design your quizzes and add those to your courses. You can create your quiz during the creation of your course, or you can create those afterward. Both options are available. 

Before we get into quiz creation, let’s first understand how the quiz system works in LearnDash. So there are two things when it comes to quiz:

  • Question: A question is, as you’ve thought, a question that a student will need to answer. The questions can be single-choice, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blanks, sorting, free-choice, etc.
  • Quiz: A quiz consists of single or multiple questions. For example, you want to create a mid-term test. Now you can create a quiz, and name it “Mid-Term Test” and then you can add several questions to it.

Basically, that’s how the quiz system in LearnDash works. You can create quizzes for your lessons or topics and then insert those from the course builder. We will look at the entire process.

To access your quizzes, you can go to LearnDash LMS > Quizzes

opening learndash quiz builder

Here you can see all the quizzes that you’ve created. If you haven’t created any quiz, this section will be empty and you can add a quiz just by clicking the “Add New” button on the top right corner of the screen.

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Let’s assume you haven’t created any quiz yet. So we’re going to add a new quiz. The first two things that you must do:

  • Add quiz title
  • Add quiz content
learndash quiz building page

On the right sidebar, you can find the option to set a featured image for this quiz. There are two more options, associated content and quiz questions right below the featured image option. Later on, when we create more content and questions, we can find those here.

Next, click on the “Builder” tab which opens up the actual quiz builder. As you can see, your quiz doesn’t have any questions right now. You can click the “New Question” button to create and add questions to this quiz.

adding question in learndash

Then, there are multiple question categories to choose from. We’ll discuss each one. Let’s see the step-by-step quiz creation process:

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Step 1: Click “New Question” and give your quiz a title

adding question title in learndash

After you set a question title, click on the “Add Question” button on the right side of the text field. The question will be added to your list.

Step 2: Choose a question category

Now you can see the question has been added to your list. You’ll also see a red warning sign which means that your question doesn’t have any content. First, you have to choose a category, then you can prepare your question.

So first, we’ll select a question category. Click on the small arrow located at the right side of the question block. This will expand the question bar. Now from the drop down select your desired question category.

Single choice quiz

The first quiz category (question category) is the single-choice category. This allows you to write a question and add multiple options to that question. Then you can choose a single correct answer among all the options.

learndash quiz or question categories

We’re selecting the Single choice category now. After that write your question by clicking on the edit icon (pencil icon) beside the Question label. In the same way, you can add options down below. To add more options, click on the “New Answer” button.

single choice question in learndash

The Single-choice quiz category needs to have one correct answer out of all the options. So select the correct answer also. Use “Quiz Settings” to decide what should be displayed when the user answers the question.

learndash quiz settings

You can set a message when the user answers the question correctly or you can show a different message if the user answers incorrectly. You can also choose to show a hint. When you’re done, click on the “Save” button to add this question to your quiz.

That’s how you can add single-choice questions to your quiz. 

Multiple choice question

Now let’s learn how to add a multiple choice question. You can add a multiple-choice question the same way you added the single-choice question. First, click the “Add Question” button then hit the arrow on the right side of the question block and select “Multiple choice” from the drop-down.

learndash multiple choice quiz

By now you know how to write questions and add options. Just like the previous one, write this question and add your options. In multiple-choice, you can have multiple answers to a single question. Then you can fold this tab and add another question.

“Free” choice question

Now we’re taking a look at the “Free” choice category. After adding another question and giving it a title, select the “Free” choice category from the drop-down.

The free choice gives the user an input field where they can type their answer. For free choice here are the following things you must keep in mind:

  • You can choose to accept only one answer or multiple possible answers.
  • Answers may be one-word or multiple words.
  • Capitalization does not matter. BLUE, Blue, and blue are all scored the same.

After that, click “Update Answer” to save changes and that’s how you create the free choice answer. You can also add multiple answers in free choice, just hit “Enter” on your keyboard after each option.

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“Sorting” choice

Next, we’ll take a look at the sorting choice question type. In the sorting order type, the user will be given a series of answers that they must place in order. When creating sorting choice questions, you need to keep the following in mind:

  • You need to add the answer options during the quiz creation.
  • You can arrange the order of the options from the quiz builder. The order you arrange your options will be considered the correct answer.
sorting choice question in learndash

After adding in the options, you can also drag those and drop them in any sequence. Remember you have to keep the sequence in the correct order. Don’t worry, LearnDash will display the options randomly to the students.

“Matrix” sorting

If you want your users to match two items together, then you can choose matrix sorting. There are two elements in this quiz type:

  • Criterion: These items cannot be moved.
  • Sort elements: These items can be moved. Users can drag these items and drop them onto the right criterion.

Users will have to match two items in order to successfully answer the question. Since the answers need to be matched, the sort elements must be unique. 

First, write your question like you normally do, and then you’ll be given two fields. In the first field, you can add your criterion (item that cannot be moved), and in the second field, you can add your sort element (item that can be moved).

learndash criterion and sort elements

Then click “Update Answer” to add that option. To add more options, click on the “New answer” button. You can add HTML tags by enabling the “Allow HTML” toggler. Adding media files is also supported.

matrix sorting quiz in learndash

To solve this question, users must drag the sort elements from the top and drop those in the correct criterion.

Fill in the blank

The Fill-in-the-blank question type allows you to insert a blank line(s) in a sentence or paragraph. The user must type the correct answer on the line to complete this question. For fill-in-the-blank question types, keep the following things in mind:

  • If more than one blank exists, the user must answer all those correctly in order for the question to be marked correct.
  • Capitalization doesn’t matter here.
  • To insert a blank space in a sentence or paragraph, you must place curly braces { }. For example:
    • Question: I {play} football.
    • Users see I ___ football.
fill in the blanks quiz

To accept multiple correct answers, you can place those words in third brackets but within curly braces. For example, I love to play {[football][cricket][hockey]}. Here, if the user answers ‘football’, ‘cricket’, or ‘hockey’ any of these answers will be correct.


This question type allows you to ask the user to rate something on a scale. It’s perfect for performing a survey. In the case of assessment questions, keep the following things in mind:

  • Only one answer can be selected
  • Text/image can be placed before and/or after the scale
  • The amount of alternatives offered in the assessment is unrestricted.
  • The entire assessment must be enclosed within curly braces { }
  • Each answer(s) should be enclosed with third brackets [ ]
  • The maximum possible score is equal to the total number of options
assessment quiz

The items that you put within the third bracket will be selectable. To make an item selectable, enclose it within the curly braces. For example: Less [ {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} ] More.

assessment quiz in frontend

Essay/Open Answer

This quiz type allows users to answer a question freely. The users will be asked a question and they will be given a text area to type in their answers. There are two types of essay answer formats:

  • Text entry: The user has to write the answer in a textbox
  • File upload: Gives the user an “Upload” button which they can use to upload a media file

Since the answer can have long texts or images, there are 3 ways to grade the quiz:

  • Not Graded, No Points Awarded: When the user answers and submits the quiz it will be pending for a grade. The users will see “Pending” in the final quiz grade until the admin or instructor grades the question.
  • Not Graded, Full Points Awarded: Full points will be awarded to the user for submitting the quiz but the status remains “Not Graded”. The admin will be able to grade the essay later on and adjust the awarded points.
  • Graded, Full Points Awarded: This option will automatically mark the essay as “Graded” and will award the user full points.
open essay quiz

Here you can still see the Question Settings option, but you shouldn’t add any message for answering the question correctly or incorrectly since it cannot be graded at the time of submission.

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Step 3: Quiz settings

Next, you can go through quiz settings where you can also add this quiz to any of your courses, lessons, or topics. The first option is the quiz access settings. If you click on the “Associated Course” dropdown, you’ll find all your courses here. If you currently don’t have any courses, then you won’t see any options here. The same goes for the Lessons and Topics. There’s a search option too.

learndash quiz settings page

You also get to choose the quiz release schedule. There are three options here:

  • Immediately: The quiz is available as soon as users enrol.
  • Enrolment-based: You can choose how many days later the quiz will become available after course enrolment.
  • Specific date: You can specify a date when the quiz will be available.

After that, you can also choose a quiz prerequisite. This allows you to choose which other quizzes the user must complete in order to take this current quiz. Next, you can make your quiz only available to registered users.

Next, you’ll find the quiz progression and restriction settings. Here you can set a passing score for this quiz and also add a certificate. The certificate will be awarded to the user if they pass. You can also enable quiz saving and restrict quiz retakes and even set a time limit for this quiz.

learndash quiz progression and restriction settings

There are more quiz settings that you can go through to design your quiz the way you want.

You can use LearnDash Certificate Builder to create your custom certificate. We have a video tutorial that shows how to create a LearnDash certificate with the builder. Make sure to check it out! Also, the plugin has a special type of quiz called LearnDash challenge exam which has a different purpose. You can learn about these too.

👉 Video: LearnDash Quiz Tutorial


Creating quizzes in LearnDash takes a bit of time but as you can see, everything is really easy. You’ll have several question categories at your disposal which you can use to create engaging quizzes. These will make your course more interesting and will keep the students on track with the learning activities.

We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any questions regarding LearnDash quiz creation feel free to ask us in the comments below.

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