10 Best WordPress Custom Post Type Plugins in 2024

If you want to add custom post types to your WordPress website, then a WordPress custom post type plugin can be a good choice to do that. WordPress custom post type plugins help add custom posts and pages with diverse properties and augmented layouts.

You can organize your content more efficiently using these WordPress custom post type plugins. You can have more control over how your site displays specific information on each different post type by using these WordPress plugins.

Let’s talk more about WordPress custom post type plugins, the best WordPress post type plugins, and how you can benefit from using these plugins.

What is a WordPress custom post type plugin?

WordPress uses post types to store and display content like posts and categorizes them. If the post type is “page” then that post is a page. If a post type is “post” then it’s just a WordPress blog post. There are some post types that are added to WordPress as default post types. Default WordPress post types are:

  • Post
  • Page
  • Attachment
  • Revision
  • Navigation Menu
  • Custom CSS
  • Changesets

WordPress users can easily add one or even countless post types anyway. A custom post type is just another post, with a different post_type value in the WordPress database. Example of some WordPress custom post types are: 

  • Media
  • People
  • Quotes
  • Events
  • Products
  • Places
  • Testimonials
  • Error Log

Benefits of WordPress custom post type plugins

If your content doesn’t belong to either Post or Page, then it’s a wise choice to use a custom post type. This way, you can store more information than using the default post types. You can make all the posts entries of the same custom post type have the same layout and make them look similar in structure.

If you have a common layout with added features than a normal post, it’s easier to manage and you get a lot of extra benefits as well. The best use of WordPress custom post types is to diversify your content beyond the default WordPress options. Thankfully, there are a lot of WordPress custom post type plugins to get this complex-sounding job done.

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10 Best WordPress Custom Post Type Plugins:

We already learned how to add custom post types using code. But it’s recommended to use a WordPress custom post type plugin to remain hassle-free and organized. Plus, you may lose progress of your custom post types if you add them manually via the theme editor.

So, it’s better to use a WordPress custom post type plugin to keep your progress counted. Here goes the 10 best WordPress custom post type plugins you can use in 2022.

Custom Post Type UI

Custom Post Type UI By WebDevStudios

With 1 million+ active installations, you should not doubt the true strength of the Custom Post Type UI plugin for WordPress. The plugin has an easy-to-use interface for registering and managing custom post types and taxonomies for your website. This plugin helps solve the problem of creating custom post types.

You can use Custom Post Type UI Extended to display the data gleaned from the custom post types to add more to the table. This plugin brings an intuitive and detailed UI. It supports various post editor features. This plugin has some downside if you’re an absolute WordPress beginner. It creates the types only, meaning that you need to add them to the theme yourself. Plus, The plugin doesn’t provide the built-in feature of adding custom fields.

Though it’s easy for anyone to use the plugin just after reading a few documentations, it’s recommended not to use it if you’re not familiar with modifying and understanding the WordPress theme editor.

Post Types Unlimited

Post Types Unlimited By WPExplorer

Post Types Unlimited is an easy to use WordPress plugin to add custom post types and custom taxonomies to your WordPress site. Currently, this plugin can’t add custom fields but promises to add the feature very soon. This plugin uses the core WordPress functionality for the admin screens and post type, taxonomy registration; meaning that the plugin is fast, slim and uses a similar WordPress UI. 

This plugin doesn’t show any upsell or advertisements in the plugin as there is no “Pro” version available for the plugin. You can use all the features of this plugin for absolutely free. To add post types or taxonomies for any site including your client sites, this plugin can be an easy and efficient selection.

Post Types Unlimited doesn’t add or change anything advanced to your WordPress theme. But if you use Total Theme by the same developer, you can modify the singular and archive displays for your post types using with extra settings.


Toolset Wordprerss plugin

Want to create custom post types, custom fields and custom taxonomies without any PHP coding? Use Toolset, an easy custom post type, custom fields and taxonomy manager suitable for beginners and expert developers who are hoping to save time while building websites. 

Toolset lets you create post relationships making it easier to manage your website by connecting relevant posts with each other. You can add repeatable field groups to your custom fields in just one click. 

You can create blocks with dynamic content using the Gutenberg editor via Toolset Blocks. You can even build your custom post type templates, archives, and searches using Toolset Blocks. Toolset features an amazing integrated environment with popular plugins such as WooCommerce, WPML, and Elementor. Toolset also supports major themes including OceanWP and Astra.

Toolset lets you create complex features like a custom search, front-end forms, sliders, and maps. Toolset is perfect for anyone who’s looking for a WordPress custom post type plugin with amazing flexibility along with great functionalities.

Custom Post Types and Custom Fields creator – WCK

Custom Post Types and Custom Fields creator – WCK By Cozmoslabs, Madalin Ungureanu, Cristian Antohe

Shortened as WCK, WordPress Creation Kit offers several different functionalities. You can create and maintain custom post types with WCK. Creating custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and meta boxes for your posts, pages or CPT’s are other core functionalities of the plugin.

Custom Post Type Maker

Custom Post Type Maker By Graffino

Custom Post Type Maker is an amazing WordPress custom post type plugin that is designed to make custom post types along with custom taxonomies. Working with this plugin feels just like managing your regular WordPress posts and pages. The plugin is fully compatible with the WordPress API making it insanely compatible.

MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies

MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies By MetaBox.io

MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies lets you register and edit WordPress custom post types and custom taxonomies with an easy-to-use UI in the admin area. You can handle all post types’ arguments and taxonomys’ arguments such as menu labels, admin bar labels, disable archive pages, exclude from search, etc. without writing custom PHP code to register custom post types. 

Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields

Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields By Pods Framework Team

You can manage all your custom content needs in one location with the Pods Framework. Pods lets you create content types including custom post types, custom taxonomies and advanced content types using custom tables. You can extend and customize content types including posts, pages, categories, tags, users, and media. You can even create custom settings pages easily within seconds.

The plugin lets you show your fields anywhere using shortcodes, widgets, and the code-free Pods Template. You can even create connections between any of your content with relationship fields to keep your content organized. With various custom content and field types to choose from, Pods is the ultimate WordPress custom type plugin.

Portfolio Post Types

Portfolio Post Type WordPress custom post type plugin

If you need a portfolio items post type, use this plugin. It creates a portfolio post type along with separate portfolio taxonomies used for tags and categories.

Post Type Builder – WordPress Custom Post Types

Post Type Builder - WordPress Custom Post Types

Post Type Builder claims to be an “all-in-one” WordPress plugin for creating custom post types, taxonomies, and post type templates. You can create a custom post type without writing any code, as per the developers’ testimony. This $49 plugin offers an intuitive drag & drop interface.

Post Type Switcher

Post Type Switcher WordPress Plugin

The Post Type Switcher plugin adds a simple post-type drop-down to the post editor interface. The plugin allows you to reassign any post to a new post type. You can switch the post’s type while editing your post. You can convert almost every combination of WP posts, pages, and custom post types with this plugin.

Every of the mentioned WordPress custom post type plugins put something different than the other on the table. From all these WordPress custom post type plugins, which one is your number 1? Let us know in the comments.

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Staff Author

Staff Author

A team of WordPress enthusiasts led by Arafat Bin Sultan, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in tech blogging, content marketing, and video creation.

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