WordCamp Europe 2023 – A Look Back

Published on June 11, 2023: WordCamp Europe 2023 has come to an end and what an epic journey it was! The event took place in Athens, Greece and the atmosphere was electrifying thanks to the 2,500+ participants from 94 different countries. We, WPGIZ are so happy to get the opportunity of being an official media partner of this event. The three-day event was a tremendous success.

WordPress also celebrated its 20th anniversary recently which made it even more special. The WCEU 2023 came to a close on 10th June with a talk from WordPress co-founder Matt Mullenweg, WordPress project Executive Director Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and Gutenberg Product Architect Matías Ventura.

In this post, we will be looking back at the three-day WCEU 2023 event. There were several talks, workshops, and various types of engagements. If you’ve missed the opportunity to participate in this major event, then don’t worry at least you can take a look at the WCEU 2023 summary.

WordCamp Europe 2023 Contributor Day

WordCamp Europe 2023 started on 8th June with Contributor Day. The segment took place on Thursday morning with a large number of 650+ WordPress enthusiasts, who came for the contributor’s day. This is the time when all these wonderful people came together to code, collaborate, and create. From seasoned professionals to newbies, all came together for one united purpose, to make WordPress better.

The contributors worked on core enhancements, documentation, training materials, marketing plans, and much more. The entire day was filled with excitement and progressive conversation. New connections were made and everyone shared a sense of accomplishment.

This was truly an unforgettable day and The organizing team gives a big “Thank You” to all the dedicated contributors who helped shape the future of WordPress.

WordCamp Europe 2023 Conference Day 1

This was the first conference day of WordCamp Europe 2023 and it was quite a busy day. It took place on 9th June. WordPress enthusiasts gathered in the exhibition area, registration desk, swag station, tracks, and workshops. Here’s a summary of the event:

  • 4 WP Connect sessions
  • 7 live stream studio interviews
  • 9 workshops across 2 rooms
  • 25 talks across 3 tracks
  • 2,458 attendees from 94 different countries

With so much going on, it’s easy to get lost in all the excitement. There were several workshops held in the last 2 days of the event. We also posted the WCEU 2023 workshop info earlier. The organizing team thanked the entire WordPress community for making the first day of the WCEU conference 2023 so successful. 

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WordCamp Europe 2023 Conference Day 2

WordCamp Europe 2023 conference keynote address by Matt Mullenweg, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, and Matías Ventura.
Photo Credit: WordCamp Europe 2023

The excitement continued on the second conference day of WordCamp Europe 2023 (10th June). If you’re looking for a summary of the second day, then here it is:

  • 6 WP Connect sessions
  • 13 Live Stream Studio interviews
  • 18 workshops across 2 rooms
  • 44 talks across 3 tracks
  • 102 speakers from 29 countries
  • 658 contributors across 23 teams on Contributor Day
  • 2,545 attendees from 94 different countries

The event ended with an inspiring keynote address from Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress, Josepha Haden Chomphosy, Executive Director of the WordPress project, and Matías Ventura, the Gutenberg Product Architect.

One of the most important updates was shared during the keynote which was the successful reactivation of WordCamps. This time last year, eight in-person WordCamps were organized. By the end of 2022, that number rose to 23. The good news is, 25 WordCamps are on track to be organized in the first half of this year alone!

Matías Ventura then also updated the community on Gutenberg. We got to know that the next WordPress 6.3 update will mark the completion of the first two phases of Gutenberg. 

After the keynote presentation, the WordPress leadership engaged in a live Q&A session with the audience. 

WordCamp Europe 2023 was a huge success. Since so many wonderful people contributed and participated in this event, it was sure to blow the roof off! But if you’re sad that you couldn’t participate in this year’s WordCamp, no need to worry because there’s another exciting news, WordCamp 2024 will be held in Turino Italy!

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Staff Author

Staff Author

A team of WordPress enthusiasts led by Arafat Bin Sultan, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in tech blogging, content marketing, and video creation.

Articles: 252

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