PostX Dynamic Site Builder – A New Method for Building Your Site

Most of you might already have heard about the PostX plugin. PostX is a WordPress block plugin for building your website with style. Using this plugin you can build news, blogs, fashion, portfolios, etc. websites within just a few clicks. There are tons of pre-made blocks and templates you can use to speed up your web designing process.

WPXPO, the developers of PostX even says that you can save 80% of development time. With the given tools and premade designs, we can’t argue! We did a PostX review, if you haven’t read it, make sure to check it out.

Recently, the PostX team launched their Dynamic Site Builder with a PostX update. WPXPO has been working on this project for a while and finally, it’s here. What does Dynamic Site Builder do? We’ll find out in this article today. So let’s get started.

What is PostX Dynamic Site Builder?

As the name suggests, the dynamic site builder is an actual site builder like Gutenberg. There are 18+ blocks that have been added to the builder. You can drag and drop these blocks to your page and design your webpage the way you want.

There are several templates available for use as well. All you need to do is explore, choose your preferred block, import, then customize it the way you want. That’s about it! You can design your whole website within a matter of clicks. Fast development and style, that’s the mantra of PostX. And with the introduction of its new page builder, you can take your web designing skill to the next level.

To access the site builder, from your WordPress dashboard, go to PostX > Site Builder. Now you can select the type of page you want to create. Then based on what you have chosen, you’ll be given several templates to choose from. Choose the template you link and click on the “Import” button and start customizing. Or you can select “Start from Scratch” and build your page from the ground up.

PostX Dynamic Site Builder blocks

There are 18+ new dynamic site builder blocks. The previous PostX blocks are still there don’t worry. But the new blocks are listed in the “PostX Site Builder” section on the left sidebar. Just click on the ‘+’ icon and access the Gutenberg blocks like you normally do. Then scroll down and find your new site builder blocks.

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PostX Dynamic Site Builder features

There are several page builders out there that you might already be using. Page builders like Elementor, Beaver Builder, WP Bakery, Gutenberg, etc. all these page builders have their own unique style. Now the question naturally comes to mind, what inspired team WPXPO to build their dynamic site builder?

There are several features of the PostX Dynamic Site Builder. The new site builder’s purpose is to make your development a lot faster and more effective. The development team has been working on this for a long time. So, let’s take a look at some of the features of the PostX dynamic site builder.

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Pre-made templates for all pages

Creating a webpage from scratch makes your website look more customized but it also takes more time. The PostX Dynamic Site Builder comes with beautiful templates for home pages, blog pages, single posts, archives, categories, searches, dates, and much more.

PostX site builder All Templates

Just select what page you want to create, then either select a template or build from scratch, your choice.

18+ new blocks

If you’ve worked with PostX plugin before, you know that it adds new blocks like Gutenberg. With the new dynamic site builder, more than 18 new blocks are added. The general PostX blocks are still there and in addition, the dynamic site builder comes with 18+ new blocks. You can access these new blocks the same you accessed the other Gutenberg blocks.

PostX new site builder blocks

Drag and drop post blocks

The drag and drop feature is commonly seen on many page-building plugins for WordPress. Although this is not a new feature, it’s still nice to have the old drag-and-drop method included in the dynamic site builder. Like the other PostX blocks, you can drag and drop the Site Builder blocks as well.

The feature works as smoothly as before. So if you want to add a header or any other elements, you can simply grab it from the left sidebar and drop it into your page in the middle. This will quickly add the block to your webpage. Now you can select it and customize it the way you want. This makes our lives a lot easier.

Create dynamic templates/layouts

As the name of the builder suggests, you will have dynamic options to build your site. The changes that you make will be applied to all the pages. Blocks such as post view count, post comment count and post social share display dynamic data. So with the new site builder, you can create dynamic templates or layouts.

PostX plugin also takes full control of your site body so you don’t have to depend on your theme. Of course, only the header and footer will be controlled by the theme that you’re using. You can customize your headers and footers using your theme customization options as usual.

Effective use of conditions

Many users struggle with dissipating posts with specific conditions. In order to display certain posts/pages you generally have to use an additional plugin. In the PostX dynamic site builder, you can easily access and set up conditions.

PostX Site Builder Conditionals

With the Conditions feature, you can choose if you want to display the post for all categories or specific categories. There are various options for the conditions. You can also exclude the page from specific pages.

Setting conditions in PostX dynamic site builder

Sometimes it might get confusing when you’re working with conditions. But the interface is as simple as it could get. First, you simply have to choose if you want to include or exclude your template. Then select where you want to either display or not display your post. Depending on what you choose, there will be a 3rd field where you can choose the specific location where you want to display or hide the template.

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Manage templates easily

The templates that you created are displayed in the ‘All Templates’ section in the Site Builder tab of the PostX plugin. From here you can publish, edit, delete, or manage the conditions of your template.

Manage site builder templates

Since all your custom templates are displayed in a single section, this makes it easier for you to manage your templates.

Constantly being updated

In the field of web development, nothing stays the same. Team WPXPO is always updating the PostX plugin with the latest designs and tools to speed up the web designing process. Even at the time of writing this article, new designs and templates are being created. This ensures that you will have access to all these amazing designs as soon as it’s released.

The constant updates that the PostX plugin receives make it an easier and more effective tool. For example, recently PostX received an update where it displays all the changes and fixes right in the plugins section for your WordPress dashboard.

In this way, you can expect the PostX Dynamic Site Builder to be always updated and makes things a lot easier for the users. If you’ve used WordPress for some time, then you already know how important it is for plugins and themes to be updated. Outdated themes and plugins may cause incompatibility issues or worse could be a security threat.

👉 PostX Lifetime Deal – Is it Worth the Investment?

Creating a page with Dynamic Site Builder

Until we create a page with the site builder itself, it won’t give us the experience we are looking for. So let’s create a single post template using the PostX Dynamic Site Builder feature. There are in total 12 singular templates available in the dynamic site builder library. So let’s select one and try to customize it.

We selected the 2nd singular template which has the title of the post followed by breadcrumb, and also the social media shares. After that, we have the post featured image, the name of the author, the date when the post was last updated, and a few more details about views, comments, and read time.

You don’t need to set featured images for your posts from here. So if you’ve selected the featured image post block and can’t find the option to upload your image for your post, don’t worry. We will simply set a condition so that all our posts will use the exact same design of this template.

After we’ve selected the singular post design, it’s time to set conditions so that all of our posts use this design. So let’s click on the “Conditionals” button on top. Now from the box, we’re going to select ‘Include‘ (which is selected by default). Then we’re going to select ‘Posts‘ and in the next box, we are going to select ‘All‘ since we want all of our posts to use this template. If you want you can select one or more posts where you want this custom post template.

adding and saving site builder conditions

That’s all you have to do! Now visit your website and take a look at your posts. It’s using the same style that you’ve designed.

This is an example blog post we had on our WordPress blog. As you can see, the exact style is applied to this post. Now if you want to customize your singular post design you can simply go to PostX > Site Builder and you’ll find the design saved in the “All Templates” section. Simple click on ‘Edit‘ and then customize your template design and save it. The changes will be applied to all your singular post pages.

In a similar method, you can design any page for your website with the dynamic site builder. And using the intuitive PostX conditions, you can display or hide your post on any page you want. Now that’s progress!

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PostX has always been a favorite plugin of ours when it comes to displaying posts on our blog. There are so many options to choose from and there’s a wide variety of customization options for each block. If you love using Gutenberg block plugins, then you should give PostX a try. It’s available for free and if you want to unlock more templates and customization options, you can upgrade to PostX pro.

PostX is certainly a useful plugin if you want to create a website with posts. It takes care of your displaying options and of course, the designs are fully responsive. Let us know your thoughts about the new PostX Dynamic Site Builder in the comments section.

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links and we may receive a small commission if you purchase something by following them. However, we recommend services/products that we believe good to serve your purpose.

Staff Author

Staff Author

A team of WordPress enthusiasts led by Arafat Bin Sultan, a seasoned professional with over a decade of experience in tech blogging, content marketing, and video creation.

Articles: 252

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